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For a female wrestler, deodorant is an important but often avoided subject.
There are some subjects most people never want to discuss. Any flight pattern that guides you towards the subject of waste related products is one to be avoided and guaranteed to invoke crash landings on dates, at the dinner table or job interviews to name a few.

Still, from time to time we should talk about deodorant.
Now is one of those times.
Some aspects of the growing attraction to female wrestling are the ingredients of internal fortitude and controlled aggression. The sustained combination of both in a sporting environment leads to sweat. Sweat can lead to odor unless you have the right deodorant.

When researching the subject that few want to talk about it’s interesting the volume of information and the vast number of professional people who actually do speak extensively on what goes on under the arm pit.
There is good news and bad news. Which one should talk about first?
Okay, let’s start with the bad along with the promise that things will get better.
What are the components that make for a bad deodorant product you should avoid? An entertaining and informative website totalbeauty.com does most of the work for us. In their extensive survey and testimonials if your deodorant demonstrates some of these malfunctions it’s probably time to get a new one.
One reader states, “I thought because it is a clear liquid, [this product] would be perfect for summer — no more white marks on my clothes! Wrong. It’s a clear liquid when it goes on, but when it dries there’s still a bit of white to it.”
No one wants white stains or stains of any kind. If your deodorant is staining you up, you can do better.
The comments came pouring in and to capsulize the factors that might influence you to make a switch are clumping which feel like glue underneath your arms, a constant wet sensation, initiating its own bad smell (in one case like an onion), not being effective, giving you a rash or the need for numerous daily applications.
By contrast there were two major factors that should influence you to stay put and those are price and effectiveness. A viewer explained, “This deodorant might seem expensive, but it lasts and lasts. I have had it for 14 months and use it every day. This is an exceptional buy.”

The prices we researched on the most effective deodorants ranged from $1.99 to $22.00. Most were under ten dollars. If you would like to review the article it was written by Haley Mason on March 12, 2014 and entitled, “9 Best Deodorants and Antiperspirants” at the website totalbeauty.com. While we decided not to name brand names, for your benefit she does.
While the article covers the subject well (pun intended), as you might guess there are other options besides commercial deodorants that may help prevent undesirable odors and perspiration. If you go online and research organic or natural deodorants there is a wealth of information on how to mix your own natural ingredients to produce your own effective concoction. What we found interesting was the continual reference to natural oils and vitamins. Coconut oil and Shea butter seemed to be the ingredients of choice as a foundation. The website wellnessmama.com offers some suggestions. If cost is an issue though, by the time you buy all of the ingredients you most likely will spend more than purchasing one at a supermarket.
Some are concerned about the addition of aluminum to some commercial deodorants and that element could lead to breast cancer hence the desire for an organic solution.
There is another option.
Don’t wear any deodorant at all.
Believe or not there is a sizable group who feel that going au natural is perfectly fine. To our surprise one prominent business person admitted she never uses deodorant and even allowed her picture to be posted next to the article in the New York Times.
The article shares, “No, she does not work from home in pajamas. In fact, Ms. Palmer, the chief executive of Osea, an organic skin-care line, often travels to meet business contacts at the five-star luxury hotels where her line is sold. They might be surprised to read that Ms. Palmer, a petite, put-together brunette, showers “no more than three times a week,” she said, and less if she hasn’t been “working out vigorously.”
She contends that a soapy washcloth under her arms, between her legs and under her feet is all she needs to get “really clean.” On the go, underarm odor is wiped away with a sliced lemon.
We sense that probably works only when you are the boss or married to one.
Their thinking tends to be based upon diet. The more organic and healthy your diet is filled with vegetables, natural foods and the extensive consumption of water, the less likely you will have a strong smell.

The New York Times adds, “Adults younger than 24 use deodorant and antiperspirant more than nine times a week, but even for older age groups, usage never falls below an average of once a day, according to Mintel, a market research firm.”
Probably the best news is that the companies that manufacture deodorants still have new frontiers to market their products to and expand their profits. Global expansion and increased competition usually leads to more research and enhanced products.
The huffingtonpost.com sites we spend $18 billion a year trying to stop or at least mask the smell of our sweat.
According to the site gcimagazine.com and Euromonitor, “the fastest-growing markets in regard to total deodorant sales as a percentage value of CAGR (Compounded Annual Rate of Growth) for 2012–2017, India tops the list, followed by Vietnam, Iran, Indonesia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Peru, Brazil, Pakistan, China, Tunisia, Thailand, Azerbaijan and the Dominican Republic.[adToAppearHere]
The group prweb.com adds, “Deodorants market is considered well developed and entrenched in the mature markets of US and Europe. Unit volume expansion in such markets is only possible through the development of innovative products, and improved product mix. On the other hand, the market in the Asian countries is relatively small and ripe for future expansion and development.”
So you are at a dance club, the place is jumping, there is pulsation and electricity everywhere. Wow! You see this sensational looking guy. He gives you the eye. You give him the eye, twice. He walks over to you. You begin to sweat, a little. Then, a little more. You can’t think of anything to say so you blurt out, “The reason you can’t smell me is because I’m wearing…….”[adToAppearHere]

I think we would all agree that speaking about body odor is not an ideal conversation starter but if you are a female wrestler in terms of finding the deodorant that is right for you, don’t sweat it. Then again, the next time you apply a headlock and you want to smell for strategic reasons, you too can do some research for what is the ideal solution for your unique scent. Please be encouraged as there is a lot of good information out there, all you have to do is pin it down.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, totalbeauty.com, wellnessmama.com, nytimes.com, huffingtonpost.com, gcimagazine.com, prweb.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, photos thanks to Wikimedia Commons.
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