When you listen to interviews of Female Wrestling Coaches, they consistently speak about the need to push their young athletes and encourage continued determination to reach and surpass important goals.
Determination is one of the most important attributes of people who achieve far above average success.[adToAppearHere]
We’re going to turn our attention to a guest writer, Steve Hughes as he enlightens and educates us about the importance of determination in realizing the attainment of the important things that you want out of life.
Learn How to Unleash the Power of Your Mind
There’s a clear connection between your success in life and the proper development of your mind power. Never underestimate what the power of your mind can do.
This is the reason why many of us fail to reach our goals in life. Success has little to do with education. Many successful and wealthy individuals achieved their success without a formal education. The one thing they all have in common is the desire to reach their goals and their refusal to let their personal challenges keep them from their prize. They learned from their shortcomings, and made them into the power behind their success in life. The power to meet their challenges and improve their lives is what makes people successful in fulfilling their dreams. These people all view success as a goal that is reached after numerous failures are overcome, and that in spite of repeated failures, nothing will keep them down.
Lack of determination and willpower is the cause behind many people’s failure to reach their goals in life.[adToAppearHere]
Positive thinking is the key to success.
With positive thinking, you are better able to keep your mind focused on your ultimate success. The right attitude can make all the difference between a successful life and one where you let little things derail you and keep you from your goals.
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.…Vince Lombardi
Learning to develop the power of your mind is an important form of self-discovery. Taking full control of your mind’s powers is a gradual process. To develop the power of the mind, you need to have the determination and the drive to work at it habitually. But all the effort and hard work is worth the results. You will gain a tremendous sense of having accomplished something astonishing that will help you to become a person in charge of your life.
You don’t have to be a super genius to succeed in life. You don’t have to have the brains of Einstein to lead a successful life. What you do need is the perseverance to always do what’s right, and to keep your mind open to constantly learning new things. Do not let anyone tell you that it will be easy. You need to earn it through hard work and perseverance and the subconscious mind power that tell you, you can do it.
It all begins with creative visualization which helps you to develop your ability to hold your focus and build your imagination. Creative visualization is a process that helps you to expand your perspective and horizons, and let your creativity roam free, which will ultimately help you to solve your problems easily.
Creative visualization trains your mind to form the detailed images and thoughts that are the first step in manifesting your desires and needs into physical reality and actions. This way of thinking can give you the confidence you need to face and overcome your problems.
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.…..Calvin Coolidge
Developing your mind power through creative visualization and turning it into reality is first done by freeing your thoughts from worries. Keep your focus on your goals, concentrate on what you want to accomplish. Worry should never become an obstacle to the important work you need to do. Worrying about things wastes your energy and makes it less likely that you will succeed. You will also project a negative image of yourself.
You also need to learn to keep your focus. As you learn to focus, you will see the obstacles that are between you and your goals begin to disappear and you will experience better results. Developing your mind’s potential power through creative visualization is the key to manifesting your thoughts and dreams into realities.
Thanks Steve.
If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.…..Les Brown
As the competition in the world of female high school and collegiate wrestling improves, the need to be determined to make sacrifices, learn from failure and maintain a positive attitude places you on the pathway to success.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
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