fciwomenswrestling.com article, wikimedia photo
According to an article published in pbs.org, Almost every day, the news contains another story of sexual assault. Those stories that make the news are likely only a small fraction of those assaults reported, and only a minority of victims ever makes a formal complaint to police. The math is almost overwhelming: each year, an estimated 237,868 Americans over the age of 12 are raped or sexually assaulted, and nearly one-fifth of American women report having being raped at some point in their lives.
We cant get enough credible suggestions on how to prevent this horrifying life altering experience.
Lets turn our attention to a guest writer who seems to have some effective ideas on how a woman can protect herself from date rape.
Avoiding the Dangers of Date Rape Drugs
by: Tiffany Provost
Date rape drugs may be the last thing you think of when you are socializing with friends or strangers. You absolutely have to know how not to become a victim of date rape drugs so that you are safe while partying.
1. Become familiar with this drug. A date rape drug is any drug, usually in pill form, put into the alcoholic drink of unknowing victim (usually a woman). When it comes date rape drugs you cannot smell or taste it.

2. Also known as Rohypnol, which is a prescription drug, the legal makers have taken steps to make it more obvious by changing the color of the pills, making them fizz when in contact with a liquid.
Although Rohypnol isn’t the only date drug, it’s the best-known. Would be rapists will often use methadone, LSD and ecstasy on a potential victim. Know what the common date rape drugs are so that you will recognize them if they come up.
3. Never leave your drink. It only takes a few seconds of your drink not being watched for someone to put drugs in it. If you are not watching your drink, someone can slip a date rape drug without even knowing it. Don’t ever let your drink out of your sight to ensure that no one has the chance to taint it with date rape drugs. Don’t leave your drink unattended or with someone you think you can trust, even if it is to go to the bathroom. The only person to trust with your drink is yourself. If you are looking for a way to protect yourself bring a drink container with a closed top with you to parties.

4. Watch as your drink is made. Never accept a drink that you did not see being made. There is also the possibility that the bartender made the drink correctly, but that a stranger or waiter slipped in a pill as the drink is brought to you. You must be aware of all ingredients that go into your drink and ensure that nothing else is added in order to avoid date rape drugs. Before the bartender starts making your drink, check that the glass is empty. Once it has been prepared take the drink directly from him. Have your hand over your drink when you are holding it so nothing can be slipped in.
Even if you saw your drink being put together, as long as there is any doubt in your mind about its safety you should never accept it. Get rid of the drink that might be spoiled and ask for a fresh one. [adToAppearHere]
5. Know how you feel. If you feel ill, light headed or dizzy, go straight home. Ask someone you trust a taxi or have that trusted person take you straight home. Do not trouble yourself over whether you are a killjoy. Your well-being could be in jeopardy! If you don’t want to get taken advantage of, you need to get out of there as fast as possible. Date rape drugs can make you unconscious, so get a friend to walk you back home. Phone your parents and talk to them about what has happened. You know that they will come as soon as humanly possible.
6. Be aware of the risks. When you are out with others, you really need to understand the dangers that come with alcohol and date rape drugs. You do not have as much control over your body when you are drinking alcohol. This may be good for the predators, but it is not good for their potential victims. Always keep your drinking under control so that you are aware of your surroundings, know where you and your drink are, and that you always know how you feel. The best solution to the disaster of date rape drugs is awareness and prevention. [adToAppearHere]
Since there won’t be much proof remaining of the date rape drug, whether due to the glass being washed or absorbed by your system, police say that the best defense is awareness so that you don’t get drugged in the first place.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
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