fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, femcompetitor.com articles, pexels.com Daria-Shevtsova-photo.
April 2, 2020,
New names of heroine proportions are emerging during these unprecedented trying times.
Sometimes they are names that once before, may not have been prominent, but by their great works, are becoming more well-known now.
The New York Women’s Foundation (NYWF) is a 501c3 charitable organization in New York City that works to bring economic security, end gender-based violence, and provide health access and reproductive justice to all women and girls.
It describes itself as a “cross-cultural alliance that ignites action and invests in bold, community-led solutions across the city.”
Super Heroine seems like an appropriate description.
It was established in 1987.
It was co-founded by Gloria W. Milliken and Helen LaKelly Hunt.

By 2007, it was giving away a million dollars a year.
In 2008, it was slated to give away $2.75 million.
In 2018, The Foundation announced the launch of the Fund to Support the Me Too Movement in partnership with Me Too Movement Founder and Leader Tarana Burke with an initial $1 million in seed funding.
We can see why they are becoming more well-known.
Time for a visit.
At their educational site nywf.org they share who they are and what their purpose is, “The New York Women’s Foundation creates an equitable and just future for women and families by uniting a cross-cultural alliance that ignites action and invests in bold, community-led solutions across the city.”
In a time of strong global population growth, investing in one cause and community at a time can create a global connection of enhancement.
“When all is said and done, the real citadel of strength of any community is in the hearts and minds and desires of those who dwell there.”… Everett Dirksen
They see the vibrancy, resiliency, and creativity in communities.
Their experience has shown them that those facing the greatest obstacles also have the greatest insight and that community leadership is invaluable to developing solutions.
Makes perfect sense.
Given the threat and impact of the recent pandemic, like Super Heroines, they are springing into action again.
Please read on.
The New York Women’s Foundation Announces $1,000,000 In Grants To Support Women And Families Impacted By Covid-19
The Foundation is launching the 2020 Resilience-NYC: COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund to provide organizations funding to solve critical issues facing vulnerable and marginalized communities in New York City
NEW YORK, March 26, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The New York Women’s Foundation (The Foundation) announced the launch of 2020 Resilience-NYC: COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, providing $1,000,000 in grants to organizations helping women, transgender, gender nonconforming, non-binary (TGNCNB) individuals, and their families most impacted by COVID-19. Marginalized populations are among the most vulnerable during times of crisis, along with the local organizations that know how to best support them. The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund will provide vital resources to organizations on the front lines for some of the hardest hit communities to address immediate and long-term needs.
“COVID-19 has quickly become one of the greatest challenges of our lifetime. As a society, we have a responsibility to ensure that communities impacted by this crisis are provided with necessary resources,” said Ana Oliveira, President & CEO of The New York Women’s Foundation. “During these unprecedented times, we must exercise an abundance of caution and operate with an abundance of support. Our hope is that this fund will provide our grantee partners the critical tools needed to provide relief in this moment of crisis.”
The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund follows The Foundation’s belief that problems and solutions are often found in the same place. The Foundation invests in those who are embedded in the most vulnerable communities and therefore, uniquely understands the needs of these communities and how to best affect change. The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund targets these smaller change-makers and organizations that often fall under the radar of support funding.

Through the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, The Foundation is supporting organizations that prioritize the following communities: low-income immigrants, survivors of gender-based violence, Chinese and other East Asian communities, Muslims/Arab/South Asian communities, individuals with disabilities, LGBTQ, TGNCNB individuals, older adult women, women small-business owners and worker-owned cooperatives.
The COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund will help organizations address the following needs:
- Supporting organizations to be responsive to urgent community needs including meal delivery services, access to healthcare and housing, easing financial burdens of those who have lost wages or income
- Offer recovery and support services and initiatives
- Advocate for changes in public policy and corporate culture including paid leave, living wages, economic relief for small business owners, and more
- Allow organizations to invest in advanced technology and tools needed to serve their community
Rooted in a tradition of Radical Generosity, The Foundation is launching the new fund to support the needs of its grantee partners as they navigate the impacts of COVID-19 and respond to the needs of their community. As the nonprofit sector continues to face new and mounting challenges in this unprecedented time, it is the continued generosity of donors and corporate partners that enables The Foundation to continue its investment in women and aide in the fight against the ever-evolving issues they face.
Click here to make a donation, or visit www.nywf.org for more information on how to support the work of The Foundation.
About The New York Women’s Foundation
Since 1987, The New York Women’s Foundation has advanced a dynamic philanthropic strategy based on the fundamental reality that, when women thrive, their families and communities also thrive. The Foundation’s grantmaking places it at the top of public women’s foundations in the United States, and in the top two in the world. We invest in women-led, community-based solutions that promote the economic security, safety, and health of the most vulnerable women in New York City. We foster women’s leadership, create partnerships that spark catalytic change, exchange insights with experts across sectors, and empower women by training them in activism and philanthropy to accelerate and sustain forward progress. Visit http://www.nywf.org to learn more about our work to transform lives, families, and communities – and create a better New York City for all.
Nina Rodgers, 646-564-5989 or nrodgers@nywf.org
Angela Keane, 646-871-2569 or akeane@160over90.com
SOURCE The New York Women’s Foundation
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OPENING PHOTO fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, femcompetitor.com articles, pexels.com Daria-Shevtsova-photo.
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